University of California San Francisco

Overview of Services

Surgical Innovations fills a unique role on campus as a department-based program designed to support the specific needs of surgeons in advancing their device ideas towards clinical use. Our partnership with bioengineering faculty and students enables projects to progress and build value within the university and out-license or spin-out once the technology has been de-risked.

We also function as an accessible campus “hub” for device innovators of all stripes from within and outside the university, with links throughout the Bay Area and national medtech communities.  We offer opportunities to engage on many levels:

For Faculty

  • Project Consultation. Get personalized guidance on clinical/technical feasibility, resources available, and what steps to take next.
  • Seed Grants. Apply for funding to advance your project to the next level.

For Trainees

  • Innovation Pathway. A dedicated research track for Surgery residents interested in focusing on device innovation and development during their research years.
  • UC Berkeley–UCSF Master of Translational Medicine (MTM). A one-year master’s degree program providing hands-on experience and skills for translating medical innovation into clinical reality.
  • Internships. Surgical Innovations offers summer and academic year internships for students at all levels with relevant background and interests. 

For All

  • Innovators’ Forum. Join our weekly open forum for medical device innovators to expand your knowledge, meet others in the field, or get feedback on your idea.
  • Guide to UCSF Resources. Learn who does what around campus and where else you can go for help.
  • Code of Conduct. Our Code of Conduct protects the confidentiality and intellectual property of our innovators while allowing for an open dialog and free exchange of ideas.