University of California San Francisco

Education & Training

Education & Training

Trainee involvement is an integral part of the Surgical Innovations process. For residents, our Innovation Pathway is guiding a new cadre of surgeon-innovators in developing the skills they need to become lifelong leaders in translating new devices and technologies into advances in patient care. Working alongside bioengineering graduate students in the lab, interdisciplinary teams grapple with real-world problems and use their complementary skills to optimize the design of devices with the potential to help patients within years, not decades. Because medical device development is grounded in “learning by doing,” our trainees use the results of today’s experiments to improve and refine next week’s prototypes. This continuous iterative loop helps speed the development of effective devices.

The Innovation Pathway is a dedicated research track for UCSF Surgery residents during their research years focused on medical device design. Learn more about the Innovation Pathway for surgical residents.

The UC Berkeley-UCSF Master of Translational Medicine program is a one-year master’s degree program for individuals interested in gaining first-hand knowledge and training in the process of translating medical innovations into clinical reality. Learn more about the MTM program