University of California San Francisco

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A national research project is under way to develop an implantable bioartificial kidney using the latest advances in science and technology with the goal of both improving the health and lives of patients with end stage renal disease and saving health care dollars.The Kidney Project team includes members from academia, health care, and industry and is led by Shuvo Roy, PhD, in the Department of Bioengineering and Therapeutic Sciences, Schools of Pharmacy and Medicine, at the University of California, San Francisco (UCSF). This video covers the need for such a device, how it works, and its potential impact on patients.

Dr. Hobart Harris, Professor and Chief of General Surgery at UC San Francisco, is a pioneering surgeon who treats patients with complicated and often life-threatening conditions in the Complex Abdominal Surgery Program. In his efforts to develop a ground-breaking technology that will transform the long-term outcome of abdominal surgeries, he focused initially on the science, and assumed that the positive results would naturally translate to the commercialization of his innovation. He quickly discovered that the product development process hinges on many key elements that go beyond scientific proof, including intellectual property, regulatory strategy and product reimbursement. Promoting Successful Translational Research: Read more >> 

Julius M. Guccione, Jr., Ph.D., a biomedical engineer and co-director of the UCSF Cardiac Biomechanics Lab, was recently featured in the “new look” return of the popular video series featuring researchers, clinicians and educators at UCSF. The Mission in a Minute Series showcases the best of UCSF. Professor Guccione’s "Mission in a Minute" is titled 3D Modeling to Help Treat Cardiovascular Disease. His long-term goal is to use realistic physics-based simulation to optimize the design of cardiovascular devices for individual patients. 

"We set out to create a type of bandage that could detect bedsores as they are forming, before the damage reaches the surface of the skin," said Michel Maharbiz, UC Berkeley associate professor of electrical engineering and computer sciences and head of the smart bandage project. Thanks to advances in flexible electronics, Berkeley engineers, in collaboration with colleagues at UC San Francisco, have created a new "smart bandage" that uses electrical currents to detect early tissue damage from pressure ulcers, or bedsores, before they can be seen by human eyes and while recovery is still possible. 

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"We set out to create a type of bandage that could detect bedsores as they are forming, before the damage reaches the surface of the skin," said Michel Maharbiz, UC Berkeley associate professor of electrical engineering and computer sciences and head of the smart bandage project. Thanks to advances in flexible electronics, Berkeley engineers, in collaboration with colleagues at UC San Francisco, have created a new "smart bandage" that uses electrical currents to detect early tissue damage from pressure ulcers, or bedsores, before they can be seen by human eyes and while recovery is still possible. 

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