University of California San Francisco

Surgical Innovations - Homepage

Clinical Lead

Hanmin Lee MD 354x210

Hanmin Lee, MD

Professor & Chief, Division of Pediatric Surgery
Surgeon in Chief, UCSF Benioff Children's Hospital

Engineering Lead

Shuvo Roy, PhD

Shuvo Roy, PhD

Professor, Department of Bioengineering & Therapeutic Sciences
Department of Surgery

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Accelerating the translation of pioneering medical devices to improve patient care

Surgical Innovations is an initiative of the Department of Surgery in partnership with the Department of Bioengineering & Therapeutic Sciences to identify, mentor, and facilitate the translation of novel medical technologies into transformative new devices and treatments to improve human health. Surgeons are natural innovators, constantly faced with opportunities to think creatively and devise new solutions in the operating room.

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Biodevice Innovation Pathway

For residents interested in medical technology and surgical innovation, the Biodevice Innovation Pathway provides rigorous hands-on research experiences developing and translating novel medical devices and technologies for unmet clinical needs alongside surgical innovators, bioengineering faculty and graduate students, and device industry professionals. 

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UCSF-Caltech Medical Innovation Symposium 2021

UCSF Surgical Innovations and Pediatric Device Consortium, in collaboration with Caltech partners, are organizing the 12th Annual Caltech-UCSF Medical Innovation Symposium (CUMIS 2021) on Friday, November 12; 11 am – 3pm PST, as a virtual event. The primary objective of this symposium is to showcase cutting edge research from both institutions, developing collaborations between researchers in both institutions that could lead to finding technological solutions for clinical needs as well as clinical applications for advanced technologies. In the past, the symposium was instrumental in developing novel medical device projects and successful joint funding solicitations. 

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